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- Bob Tobias "Robert Tobias" - For the price you get lots of stuff and, unlike the past few versions, it worksFirstly, this is not a state of the art video editor, DVD authoring system, or just about anything else. No more than a Swiss Army knife is a great screwdriver or corkscrew. But, for the price you get a tremendous amount of functionality in all of those areas. (except for the screwdriver and corkscrew)
Secondly, this works fine with Windows 7. Here's how I did it:
1) Verify the latest windows updates are installed.
2) Backed up my system. (Optional and recommended)
3) Turned off virus protection.
4) Ran setup.exe from the CD.
5) Rebooted when the installation completed.
6) Made sure virus protection was still off.
7) Started Roxio and installed the updates when prompted.
8) Rebooted once the updates were installed.
9) Turned virus protection back on.
That's pretty much what I did for the last couple versions only this time it worked.
Thirdly... nope, that's it.
Bottom line: If you want state-of-the-art, best-of-breed anything then look elsewhere. For example, if you know you are going to be editing videos then consider PowerDirector 9 Ultra - 64 (it's surprisingly good for the price) and if editing audio is your thing then may be try Sony Creative Sound Forge 10 (it's just plain good). However, if you want to do lots of stuff and/or don't have lots of money then this product (for *this* year) and at this price is a great choice. - Joyiam - Lifesaver!I was living a lonely, haunted life; unable to write a legible word; going to doctor after doctor; subjecting myself to horrible painful test after test...all to no avail. The doctors finally determined that it was just because I was a woman and that my place was in the kitchen...writing was better left to the men.
I had just about decided that I had no choice but to accept this horrible ghastly plight that life had dealt me, when BIC came to my rescue! Thank you, Thank You, Thank You Bic! Because of you and the new "BIC Cristal for Her" I can finally write and legibly too!
Who knew that I did not suffer from some serious deformity or genetic defect? It was all due to being forced to use a bulky man pen all my life! All those doctor visits, the medical tests, the lobotomies...all for naught!! It was just because my dainty woman's hands are not designed for ungainly men pens!
Please help get the word out to women everywhere! Because of BIC and the new "BIC Cristal for Her", we may be able to save many women from suffering through the horrible fate that I did before "BIC Cristal for Her" came to my rescue!