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  • LMILAB - A wonderful christian fiction writing!A fascinating story of biblical character Sarah the cousin of Nehemiah. She wrote herself to write from manuscripts of her father who was a scribe, to become a first female scribe in the house of the queen. The very entertaining part of the book was of her arranged relationship to her husband whom she did not want nor respect at first. The funny way she prepared and dressed for her wedding showing her full span of ignorance in taking care of herself as a lady and not a hard working scribe has set the stage for consequent relationship problems and final resolution.

    A wonderful christian fiction writing!
  • LV "Jack of all trades!" - Miracles!!How do I start? Well, I am 30 years old and since I hit puberty at 12, I only averaged a cycle on average 3-4 times a year. Wasnt sexually active until 22 and was on birth control for 1 year ( from 22-23) which regualted my cycle, but once I stopped the pills my body still wouldnt regulate itself. ( This could be because I was obese) After a gastric bypass when I was 24, I tried the Nuvaring for 6 months, I still couldnt get regular. After realizing that several of my family members had strokes, it started to scare me because of the risk the birth control had as well, so I stopped it. I still didnt get regular. Now that its time to start wanting to coneceive, I didnt want to try any fertility drugs as I dont have hypothroidism, no PCOS or anything. Cant figure why I dont have a cycle. My doctor wanted me to try naturally for at least a year. Well, I had already tried when I was 26-- didnt work!... So that leads me to doing research on natural hormone therapy and I found Fertilaid ( what could be more natural than herbs???). Well, my purchase was on May 11, Received the pills 5 days later and started taking them only twice a day for the 1st week. ( Was too scared that my body would go into shock! lol), then 3 times a day thereafer. Yes, Im a bad pill taker and did forget to take them here and there. Well, as I read that most other women had a cycle, then the next month they were pregnant, thats what I was expecting. I took one test in early June and it was negative. In the meantime, Im doing everything to help conceive,certain positions, keeping my hips up afterwards,watching my diet and excercise. Well, within the past week, my breasts felt a little swollen ( which I NEVER felt before-even whenever I DID have my cycle) and didnt think anything of it. I just thought that was that "feeling" that the pills were starting to work. So, after 1 month of pills, I figured "What the heck" and took a test.... and another... and another... and low and behold ALL THREE WERE POSITIVE!!! Thank you Fertilaid!
  • D. Mayer "just a fan" - This laptop is awesomeWhen my latest desktop computer died, I decided to join the 21st century and buy a laptop. Expecting to pay twice as much, I was very pleasantly suprised to find this Gateway priced under $350, and I have yet to find anything it can't do. The computer recognizes almost all my peripherals and finds drivers for them automatically. Internet access is easy and fast. The 450 GB of usable hard disk space is larger than my previous drive plus 2 backup drives combined. Very acceptable screen size and very lightweight. Runs cool enough to keep in my lap without any discomfort. The built-in DVD player recognizes and plays all my DVDs and CDs, even the homemade ones, and automatically displays the closed captioning for us deaf guys. I have always kept it plugged in, so don't know about battery life yet. Would have been nice to get Microsoft Office suite, but I was able to load an old version of Office XP that I had purchased a few years ago. I preferred the older versions of Windows Media Player, but that's not the computer's fault. Not a big fan of Windows 8, but getting used to it - took me a while to configure my desktop to look like my old one. And I uninstalled a lot of the prepackaged software tools, utilities and links. The installed pdf reader is literally useless, but it's easy to download a free one from Adobe. Only nuisance is the DVD door - it is right where I pick it up, so always popping it open accidentally. Only had it a few weeks, but so far, best computer I have ever owned.