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  • Marie Young "M2Y" - Changed my Quality of Life for the Better!I have been using this product for the last year. I noticed an amazing difference after the first two weeks of use.
    Every afternoon, whether I had eaten lunch or not, my stomach would be bloated and painful. I could barely function. It was awful. But once I found Align - my whole quality of life changed for the better. I no longer have any afternoon symptoms. I am completely committed to re-ordering every month.
    Another additional plus is my body now handles international travel transitions much easier.
    This is a terrific product!
  • Vanessa - Amazing !!We started taking one month ago !! I took FertilAid for women and my husband took FertilAid for men, 3 pills by day as recommended and today we got a positive pregnancy result. We had been trying for seven months and now, just one month taking this supplement, we got it! It really works! My periods are regular. We also used the Clearblue ovulation test to help identifying the ovulation day. We used this test before taking the supplement and my ovulation used to happen one day per period and after taking the supplement, the ovulation result was positive for 3 days. We have noticed no side effect at all; it's a good supplement and we are one more successfull case.

    Thanks FertilAid and God bless the mothers to be.
  • Kevin Nicholls "jaded, aging hipster" - Just what I expectedAs much as I hate geezer rock, Pink Floyd has always stood out as a cut above.

    Yes, this is probably the most pretentious album they've ever made. Yes, there's a fair amount of content that doesn't make very much sense if you haven't seen the movie. And yes, this is nothing short of genius.

    You know what The Wall is. Stop reading pompous reviews that have already been written by hundreds of critics thousands of times in the past 27 years, and buy it.
  • Amyahsmom "Music (Movies) Fan First" - The Nerd's Fiction :-)Dan Brown is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. He writes from different vantage points and slowly builds a scenario until you catch yourself reading in hyper-speed. I love how he writes historically. You can see how much research he did in the creation of the story. Inferno is yet another excellent Robert Langdon story. Dan Brown continues to deliver with yet another intellectually captivating story.