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Country: Europe, NL, Netherlands

City: Greup, South Holland

  • Deborah Maiocco - Fantastic ReadRevolutionary Road is simply fantastic. This is Richard Yate's masterpiece, right up there as a read with Capote's In Cold Blood. Not a wasted word, visualizations popping off every page, and creates a world that is so evocative of the era that you are truly there. A must read for all students of language and story telling.
  • mmm - Works Better than System I HadMy husband was complaining about the amount of spam that was getting through our previous virus software so when I got an email from Amazon offering the Norton at a special price it was a no-brainer. Kind of don't like to pay for what I don't get and this is good for three PCs but I only have one and you can't use it on a tablet or smart phone, but it was still a decent price and the complaints have stopped about the spam. So a happy spouse and a safer computer are good things.
  • W. Rosado - Works great for meI purchased the Yoga 11 following the price drop to $499. I needed an ultraportable with good battery life for note taking and occasional web browsing on the road. This computer fits the bill perfectly. Battery life is great, having Word, Powerpoint and Excel is a wonderful bonus. Windows 8 RT feels snappy enough, haven't encountered any performance issues.

    The only problem I have is the calendar app doesn't sync with Google calendar, but as a workaround I have the explorer app default to Google calendar, so there really isn't a problem. My wife is amazed at the size and flexibility of this PC.

    I am going to keep an eye on the Yoga13, I may