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City: 94107 San Francisco, California

  • Sara R. Yassin "SassySara" - LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!!!!I am not a long winded person so this will be short. I read a lot of books. I came across this book as I was buying books on lavender in general. I said..."What the hell, I will read this. Sounds like a fun book." Well, I am so glad I did. Not only is this book so well written, the humor is fantastic. I had to put the book down every night so that I would not read it all at once. I only wish it was longer.
  • Vicki L. Riechers "Reading to learn" - Works great and smells niceGreat product to prevent flea infestation. Bought this because I have a dog with allergies and did not want to put traditional flea medicine on him as it makes him break out. We apply this product to our dog and rub it on his body and the added value it is smells wonderful.
  • James Klagge "jck1954" - Coming of ageNot your typical biography, since the future president does not appear until p. 165. There is a huge amount on his bloodlines from Kansas and from Kenya, which is fairly interesting. The book ends in 1988 with Obama heading to law school at Harvard. So this is really a coming-of-age story, very well done. I read "Dreams of My Father" several years ago, and this bio shows how much that book was a work of literature rather than history. I learned a lot that I didn't know about. Obama comes across very human from a background of multiple challenges that many of us never have to face.