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  • W. Smith "4everSLAUGHTERED" - TERRIFYING, BUT HARD TO LET GO!I was mesmerized from the first word to the very last word. After the last word I was left thinking about this novel for days. This is how I know I have read an incredible and extremely well written story.

    This a terrifying book about the brutal abduction of realtor Annie O'Sullivan from a routine open house. Every chapter in the book is a "session" with her psychiatrist as she tells the story of her abduction and the aftermath that leaves her "still missing". I absolutely could not put this book down! As difficult as some scenes are to get through I had to know what next? How? Why?

    Amazons review is right on ..."shocking, visceral, brutal and beautifully crafted"...

    Books with similar themes recommended Heartsick by Chelsea Cain and Lucky: A Memoir by Alice Sebold.
  • Katharine Karstens - Great product!!!WOW! I had a mole on my arm for years. It drove me crazy. I didnt want to go to a doctor to have it surgically removed, so I tried this product and my mole is gone!!! Thank you Dermatend! I used it like the instructions said, but I did leave it on overnight, 3/4 of the mole came off, then I reapplied to the little bit of the mole that was left and that was gone a few days later. Took about a week for the whole process!!! So happy!
  • A Fan OF Science and History "DSZF" - My own story might tell you somwthing.I give five stars because I think if it is classified as a fiction book, it will not have those negative review. A good book for movie or political purpose.

    After I heard the book review on NPR, I went to read the story of the book from web site and BBS.

    I am not going to judge the story in the book is fake or not. I am going to tell you my own real life story. I believe the readers can make their own judgement with common sense.

    Here it is:

    My father became a lecturer of his Alma mater, one of a top medical schools in East China, after he graduated from that university. (Which means staying in the same school and became a teacher or a researcher- 留校). He got his "Right-Wing Element Title"--So called pro-western intellectual about three years later and was stripped off teaching rights. His title of "Right-Wing Element" was overturned in 1979.

    But, I had no problem to study in the elementary school and middle/high school in my whole life.

    At that time period, if you graduated from middle/high school and could become a worker in a factory, you would think you were very very lucky because many of young graduates went to countryside. The social statue of a worker was high at that time of period.

    I graduated from middle school and participated in the "National Standard Entry Examination for the Universities-全国统考" in 1978 and got into a top university in China without any problem. The tuition, dorm, electricity and water (hot and cold) were free and almost all of my classmates, including me, also got some kind of financial support for books and food from the government. All universities were public schools at that time and the financial support called "助学金"--"Student Assistant Money". It was "needed" based, but most of students could get some. If you were from poor family, you might get extra financial support for cloth, etc.

    BTW, In some places of China at that time, like in Shanghai where I came from, people called the high school as middle school. It was equivalent to the high school in the States. Today, middle school and high school are different in China.

    That is my true story.