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- Gorilla Boy - QUICKEN 2013 HOME AND BUSINESS IS WONDERFULQuicken Home & Business 2013 [Download]This product is excellent. About one week after I installed the DISC; Quicken provided an upgrade fix which ostensibly took care of most issues which I observed. This is the fifth time that I have purchased Quicken; it is far easier than any on line banking system that I have ever encountered. As a valuable adjunct I also purchased "Quicken 2013 the official Guide" by Bobbi Sandburg.--THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE AND IS NOT EXPENSIVE WHEN PURCHASED FROM AMAZON! The book has large fonts as is easy to understand. I can always learn something new. If one does not buy the book to enhance one's knowledge; one is being grossly unfair to oneself. Quicken also provides one year of free technical support by telephone. When I purchased this edition of Quicken in December 2012; Amazon was having a promotion which allowed my purchasing TURBO TAX WITH QUICKEN AND RECEIVING EITHER A THIRTY OR THIRTY-FIVE DOLLAR rebate depending of which Quicken Edition I selected. Turbo Tax an easy to use tax program which allows you to import your Quicken information and allows the average tax payer to do state and Federal income tax in under an hour. ANY ONE OF YOU THAT WROTE A REVIEW AND RATE ANY VERSION OF QUICKEN 2013 WITH LESS THAN FIVE STARS DID NOT DO TWO THINGS--TAKE TIME TO BUY AND USE THE OFFICIAL GUIDE AS A REFERENCE (YOU WOULD RATHER LEARN BY GUESSING) AND IF YOU HAD A PROBLEM ONE OR MORE OF YOU DID NOT GO TO THE QUICKEN WEBSITE AND ENJOY FREE LIVE TELEPHONE TECHNICAL SUPPORT FROM QUICKEN.
TWO THINGS HANG LIKE THE SWORD OF DAMACLES OVER OUR COLLECTIVE HEADS: first know that your bank wants you to screw up so that outrageous penalties can be collected( proper use of Quicken will stop them in their tracks) and second with the climate for taxes being what it is one needs to have perfect records--it still close to the beginning of the year so if one has never before used Quicken--now would be a propitious time to purchase it. PLEASE TRUST AMAZON--THIS COMPANY WOULD NOT KNOWINGLY HANDLE OTHER THAN QUALITY MERCHANDISE.
One last thing--after the one year of FREE phone support is up Quicken makes available at this time PHONE support with very reasonable rates--one incident is $9.99 and one full year is $69. In the event I get sick and am unable to handle it-Quicek technical support will be there for my wife. - Rachel Turet - nothing short of a miracleWith a great deal of skeptisizm, I read this book over five years ago. Ulcerative colitis was bleeding me to death, not that I had a life much worth living at the time. My world revolved around pain and I could be no further than 30 seconds from a bathroom. Ms. Gottschall, her book, and the diet completely vanquished all my symptoms of UC, saved my life and restored my intestinal health. I've just finished reading the reveiws of Courtney Lewis and a reader from Conneticut, who were both put off by the amount of work involved in maintaining this diet. Perhaps their symptoms were not as crippling as mine. Perhaps they have success with medication and have no problem with staying on it for the rest of their lives. I wish them well and hope they do not eventually require the surgery that many of us with this disease must face. I am concerned however, that their reveiws might prevent even one person from reading the book, which is why I am writing about my own experience. After 6 months on this diet I went for my yearly colonoscopy and my doctor declared my colon to appear "like that of a healthy 18 year old's". I have been off of all medication for over 4 years. I currently facilitate a listserver of almost 400 participents, most of who are on the diet. If anyone is interested in joining it, write me at
- shelley - Too funny!I was visting my (almost 70 year-old, very religious) mom a year or so ago and she had this book out. I looked at the title and was bewildered for a minute until I opened it up and died laughing. I was not expecting what was inside. I'm not kidding. I had tears in my eyes and was laughing out loud! What a little gem of a book. I'm going to buy a few as Christmas gifts this year.