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  • Steven H - Great new featuresAs the owner of a small gift store who travels extensively, I always felt disconnected from my business when on the road. Apart from all the new upgrades other reviewers have praised, the one feature that stands out for me in this upgrade is the ability to access my data remotely. The QBConnect and I-phone functionality allow me to look and interact with my financial data without having to be in front of the machine. I have Beta tested Intuit products for many years and have worked closely with the teams behind these new ideas, they have listened to my needs, and come up with innovative ways to overcome my particular obstacles. With internet access while away, I can keep up with my financial data, look at balances and make clear and concise business decisions in no time at all! A great product, with improved features for all.
  • NCS - think for yourself? sounds good to meIt's funny, i was recommending this book to a friend after reading Expecting Better a few weeks ago, and she asked me if it was the new book with all of the controversy. I had no idea this book was considered controversial! but sure enough when i looked at the amazon reviews i was shocked to see so many one star reviews. After reading the reviews, both positive and negative and the subsequent comments, it is quite clear to someone who has read the book that most of those that have given the book poor reviews have not, in fact, read the book they are "reviewing". While i respect those that are caring for persons affected by fetal alcohol syndrome, i think by not reading the book, it's clear they may have missed the point of the book. The book does not advocate binge drinking or even moderate drinking. It simply presents the information obtained via medical studies. Oster is more than qualified as an economist and expert in statistics to review studies and determine their merit. In fact, she is more well prepared to do this than most physicians. Most physicians take one or two graduate level statistics classes. This is not to say that physicians do not know about medicine, but that data interpretation (even involving medical research) is not their area of expertise (it is, however, Dr. Oster's). This book merely advocates thinking for oneself and making informed decisions. I'm not sure how this could be a bad thing?
  • Katie Pickard Fawcett - Great way to travel while curled up on the couch...Every year I buy The Best American Travel Writing. A different editor every year and this is reflected in the essays that appear. It's always a great read and so much better than travel books that provide simply lists of hotels and attractions and places to eat. These essays let you walk the cities and trek the jungles and climb the mountains with the authors. If you like to travel or just read about travel, this is a great series.
  • G. Sham - Great Introductory Book to the LSAT!This book provides a straightforward look at the LSAT. The tips are useful and the content is easy to comprehend for people who are interested in entering law school. "LSAT for Dummies" succeeds in making the test seem less daunting and absolutely doable for future LSAT testers. I recommend this book as introductory material to the LSAT.
  • Jeannine Hawkins - Best "diet" everI never do reviews but I had to for this one. This has to be the easiest diet plan ever to follow I am using the word diet loosely as I never felt I was on a diet! I am in my third week of following the plan. I did not have much to loose in the first place but within the first two weeks I easily dropped the "last" 5 lbs I have been hanging onto. This plan is something I can easily come back to when needed. It is also very cleansing as the plan calls for very wholesome, healthy foods and most of it I already had in my pantry and fridge. I would absolutely recommend this plan to anyone who would like to drop some weight and eat healthy.