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MIT Medical : Home - MIT Medical is a complete healthcare center serving the health and wellness needs of the entire MIT community.
Country: North America, US, United States
City: 02139 Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Diana Lynn - Fair Weather GolferAfter a 15 year hiatus from golf and not wanting to spend a fortune, I ordered this set so I could hit the links with my grandchildren. Imagine my surprise when I lifted the box. I figured they must have forgotten something because its was so light. The clubs feel good in hand and after a few bucket of balls have me eager to get on the fairway. I plan to carry this set for added exercise knowing it's light weight and comfortable strap will allow me to walk the links instead of riding!
- PhotoJoe "PhotoJoe" - From an old Boy ScoutThis is the same reference book that the doctors use to advise them when we go in for an office visit. It was a whole lot cheaper than an office visit and no forms to fill out or co-pays to pay.
- K. Parola - LOVE LOVE LOVE THISA co-worker recommended this to me and I can't begin to say how grateful I am for that. I know people who paid 3-4 times as much for similar devices. The price I paid for this was unbelievable. I love the options and ease of use. Besides the visual maps & voice commands I love that it makes a tone sound right before I need to make a turn. It has live traffic reports and gives you alternative routes. It also quickly compensates & re-routes you when you make a wrong turn etc. I love that it gives you an "ETA" for your destination which is incredibly accurate. Map upgrades are free for life. I registered this product so when I turn my computer on it automatically checks for upgrades to the software as well as the maps. Downloading upgrades, so far, hasn't taken anywhere as much time as the estimate they initially advise you of.
I highly recommend this product!!! - Rosalia Ramos-Afanador - Likes and dislikes...1) Like -Find the content of the book very realistic, practical and applicable to various environments of our life.
2) Like - that it's narrated by the author himself and he has good diction
3) Like - I make excellent use of my time while having to wait for services and exercising and don't suffer in the processess!
3) Dislike - I was double charged for the audio book - Barbara Nelson - Upgrading to Quicken 2013After reading other reviews of quicken 2013 I was hesitant to buy it, but I had just bought a new tablet and needed a mobil app for it. After installing the disc it immediatly started downloading updates and already is on version 10. So far it seems that the bugs have been worked out of the program and I have not had any problems with it on my computer or my tablet.