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  • Sammuel Baker "HeavyMetalRiff" - Great album with the best song of all time on it, Comfortably NumbI will try to make it short and sweet, Pink Floyd, The Wall is a great album with some very good songs on it. The best in my opinion being on disc 2: Comfortably Numb. This song alone is worth it, I'm a heavy rocker, but even I can appreciate such a well composed song. Comfortably Numb is a song that is probably best experienced with your eyes closed, volume up,and an open mind, because it will give you goose bumps. It is a song to get lost into, I can't explain it, you will just have to listen to it.
  • customer - Great tablet for such great price!I saved about $300 from switching from paper textbook to eTextbook, so I decided I need a larger tablet to go with it (I own a 7" Android Tablet). I found a used Transformer Prime about that price, so I purchased it.

    There is no problem so far, everything has just been great.
    From a today's standard, this tablet is not as new and not as fast compare to like iPad 4
    However, given the price (for to a price of an iPad 2) this is just increditabily great!
    Though it is not Retina Display, the graphic with its Quad-Core is just awesome
    It is responsive and fast and it is actually lighter and smaller than the iPad 2, let along iPad 4
  • "evanovichaholic" - Fully MadcapFun, adventure, and romance! Janet Evanovich has done it again. I marvel at how she can be so divrese. This is no Plum mystery but it is a zany adventure, with lots of humor and wild plot twists. Max Holt is a billionaire inventor and adventurer who comes to the rescue of his sister and brother-in-law (a retired wrestler), who has stepped into a politcal hornet's nest. Max teams up with local newspaper editor Jamie Swift, and Max and Swifty dodge bullets and their mutual attraction throughout.Ms. Hughes and Ms. Evanovich are a great writing duo. I love their preposterous characters and situations, and their bizarre sense of humor.
  • bmeek - Exceptional BookAs an "advanced amateur" photographer, I thoroughly enjoy THE UNFORGETTABLE PHOTOGRAPH.
    Everyone sees and records the events of their lives differently, and George shares a multitude of ideas on HOW to view and shoot them better.

    A lot of books preach "technique". This one give ideas.
    Many Photography books show magnificent images. George does this and tells you HOW he did it.

    Its not about your equipment budget - its about how to interpret what YOU see.
    Buy this book!