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Country: North America, US, United States
City: 84606 Provo, Utah
- J. Lundak - Impressive portable high chairMy daughter researched this and had it delivered to our house for her visit with her 6 mos old daughter. I was REALLY impressed. It was soft and comfy. It allowed our granddaughter to sit at the table with us and the safety belt held her securely even though she can not sit on her own yet. It doesn't have a tray but you can put a plastic place mat down on the table and with a plastic bib, you are set to go. Just be sure to watch what you put within reach of your little one (knives, forks, breakables). It folds down and has its own carry/storage bag built in. The design is very well thought out.
- Jo "Jo Smith" - Diet pillsI was majorly over weight but found these diet pills on amazon and as of so far I have lost 30 pounds and I will keep using them Lipozene is great and works Oh and myself I take one a day and it still does great and right now these are the only diet pills I will use right now and they do work I am proof 30 pounds gone and still losing so thanks to all
- Sammie - Great ProductI'm only on my third day using this product and I can say that it really does work.
I normally go one time a day but this product made me go three times a day. In addition to taking this product I have also been eating a lot of greens along with my normal foods and wake up without that tired feeling. Nothing has changed with my daily routines either.
For those of you looking to cleanse your body then this is the real deal. I was skeptical at first but this product made me a believer. - LaurenB - holy crap it worked!Well like many other cursed women I've been dealing with Bacterial vaginosis for over five years. I literally have tried everything the doctor threw at me, from antibiotics to vaginal inserts to neglecting my husband out of fear sex would make it worse. I recently looked at my medical records because I switched insurance companies and I have been treated for BV 23 times!!!! As I just mentioned I switched insurance companies and was assigned a new OBGYN. She quickly suggested probiotcs and said it would work. I went home ordered the pills and waited an agonizing 4 days to get them. I have been using them for 5 days now and it is a 100% difference from before. I couldn't believe how quickly it helped. I tried the ultimate test with my husband and to my surprise I was still A OK. My BV was really bad, I was showering twice a day with no relief from the symptoms.
The only downfall, and I'm not sure this has anything to do with the pills. I noticed that using the bathroom (number 2) I would have bad gas cramps that lasted a few minutes. This is a walk in the park compared to BV!
I hope this helps. I thank god I finally found an OBGYN that knew her stuff!