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  • Jerry McGillivray - A Must Read!!!I obtained this book about a month ago. I started reading it one night and literaly couldn't put it down till I had finished it. I have always had so many questions about the timing of the rapture even after attending Bible School, hearing many sermons and teachings, studing the Word myself over the years. I believe the Lord has really blessed John with fresh revelation on this subject. After being so inspired I called him and ordered 40 copies and have been handing them out to my pastor friends and to anyone who has an open mind. Really have had some positive feedback. This to me is a real must read. Thanks John for being obedient and taking the time and effort into this book. Jerry McGillivray, ECHO Ministry, Chinook, Montana
  • Supprey - The Holy Grail of Backpain SolutionsHaving suffered from chronic back pain for 4 years, I had little left to try till I chance upon Esther's demonstration on PBS one day and was immediately intrigued. I looked her up on google and found a link to her GoogleTalks video and was instantly hooked. I scoured the internet for all her other videos and then went ahead and bought her book from Amazon.

    This is why the principle works- many people who suffer from chronic back pain which did not start instantly from a serious injury like an accident but gradually over time( like in my case) suffer due to postural problems rather than a medical condition. I have consulted several chiropractors, physical therapists, orthopaedic surgeons, Ayurveda and also another solution from the internet called the Backpain Institute but they all pointed out that I had a weak core which is the cause of my back pain. It is hard for me to believe that as I have been doing circuit training for over two years and can do ab exercises that even some people who are pain free could not.

    All this did not add up. Therapies such as heat therapy, inversion therapy, physical therapy etc. only provided temporary relief which added to my belief that something about my posture reversed the effects of the therapies.

    There is instant relief to be found in the techniques demonstrated in this book. It is very well researched and the insight found is not to be obtained from even medical texts. I am looking forward to also attending workshops and the foundations course - just waiting for one to come to my area.